Problem Solving

We help organizations bring together the right people, with the right tools and processes to solve those problems that just won’t get resolved.

Sometimes, you solve a problem only to have it come back in another guise.

Sometimes the solution ends up being worse than the problem.

And sometimes, you just can’t find a solution that everyone can support.

There are two kinds of problems in the workplace:

  • People problems
  • System/process problems

Both cause dissatisfaction, reduced productivity and if not resolved, can start a negative downward cycle. People problems can be uncomfortable to address and sometimes they can seem unsolvable. System problems can be very complex to understand and address… and often lead back to people problems.

Our consultants are skilled at helping you with both kinds of problems and especially at the intersection – where differing opinions and values can confound a rational system solution.

Bringing in an outside consultant with a fresh perspective and skills in asking the right questions can help set a context for more open minded problem solving and shed new light on the underlying issues.

Building consensus around a decision is also a big challenge. You have the outspoken opponents who are easy to spot and therefore negotiate with. You’ve also got the silent stalkers who let you get right up to implementation and then come out with all kinds of objections or even sabotage. Getting everyone to agree on the same solution involved identifying the silent stalkers as well as the outspoken opponents and then working with each to reach a strong resolution.  We are skilled at bringing people together and working through difficult differences.

Our goal in working with you is to not only help you solve your problems, but to give you the skills you need to keep solving them in the future. We are a training and consulting company. We provide comprehensive solutions that will carry you forward. We’re skilled at asking the right questions and bringing people together to reach consensus.

When you’ve got a problem that persists in spite of your best efforts, give us a call to explore how we can help you resolve it. 518-895-2939 or