Leading By Phone

For most of you in a formal or informal leadership role, working remotely provides a new set of challenges. How do you keep your team together?  And how do you hold people accountable when you can’t see their work?  How do you keep yourself together and on track? All...

The Key Ingredients to a Successful Change

An important skill for anyone in a leadership or strategic thinking role is working with others to bring about change.  That’s a big topic, and we’ll start today by looking at the key ingredients for a successful change.  During a change process, there is a great deal...

Strategic Problem Solving

A strategic thinker is someone who thinks beyond the day to day, focuses on mission and goals and look at relationships from a stakeholder perspective.  (See our last blog for more about this.)  One of the key skills of a strategic thinker is problem solving.  A...

Strategic Thinking

Recently, I was asked to teach a class on strategic thinking for employees at all levels, not just leaders.  There are a lot of moving parts to this.  In this issue we’ll present an overall framework for strategic thinking and in later issues we’ll explore...