Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a way to build a thoughtful road map for your organization, your operations and your customers.

Strategic planning should also be a team building process. A clear and strategic map helps everyone pull together and results in a stronger team, especially if everyone on the team has some role in the process.

Strategic planning involves all the people with a stake in your organization – your board, staff, leadership, customers, and colleagues. Some are involved in the core process, others have key roles to play in input and feedback.

Strategic plans typically take a 3 – 5 year view.  No one can really predict the next 6 months, never mind 3 years… but it’s helpful to take a long range view and think about possibilities and contingencies. Dwight D. Eisenhower, who planned the D-Day invasion in World War II and the interstate highway system as President, said:

Plans are useless, but planning is essential.

We do an assessment that help you look at:

  • Your strengths and possible opportunities you can access that take advantage of your strengths and assets.
  • Challenges you face and internal weaknesses can increase negative risk from these challenges.

The strategic plan looks at ways to maximize opportunities, build on your strengths, minimize negative risks, and strengthen critical weaknesses. This will best position you for the immediate and intermediate future.

Strategic planning is a process, not just a series of meetings.  We can design and facilitate the process with you, or we can coach you to lead the process yourself.  We can do as much of it as you need us to (and can afford), or we can enable you to do as much of it as possible to keep your costs lower.

Call us at 518-895-2939 or email to find out more about our process and how it can work for you.