Grant Writing

Krieger Solutions, LLC has extensive experience writing grants to government and foundation funders. We’ve got a pretty good track record. We even won a proposal where the person awarding the contract told us they wanted to give it to someone else, but we wrote such a good proposal they awarded it to us!

We can write your grants for you, or we can coach your staff through the process and edit/review what you write. This builds your skills, takes less of our time and saves you money!  We can also teach you and your staff how to write compelling proposals.

Our grant writing workshops teach you how to:

  • Strategically read an RFP (Request for Proposal)
  • Best present your services and outcomes
  • Make a compelling case for your program
  • Present a highly competent image
  • Create a project budget
  • Design an evaluation component

Our two-day programs include a working session on the second day where participants work on an actual proposal, learn from each other, and have their proposals critiqued/edited throughout the day. We also offer this consultation service on an individual basis as a follow up to our one-day program.

What Clients Say

Participating in coaching sessions with Alan has proved immensely beneficial to my professional development. I found the sessions to be supportive, yet challenging. I was able to take the tools and skills discussed and deploy them into my work in real time. I am grateful for the accountable working space to understand how to expound on my strengths and to further foster my growth areas.
CaitDirector, Advocate Program