Many years ago, I was looking for a simple, low cost communication and work styles assessment that my clients could afford.  I couldn’t find one that fit the bill, so I created T.E.A.M. Communication Styles®.

We’ve tested it with thousands of participants, including many of our newsletter subscribers, and they have found it highly accurate and very useful.  As you probably know by now, we’ve just introduced a major upgrade – the assessment now produces an individualized report that helps you understand your specific style.

So how can you use this report?

First, by understanding your own style you can get a better picture of what you like about your current job and what you find annoying.  You can also see more clearly how others may view you, and that some of your strengths can actually be annoying to people with other styles.  You will also gain insights into the annoying behavior of others.

Second, the T.E.A.M. report helps you see some practical steps you can take to work more effectively with people who have very different styles.  Many of the people you find difficult to work with simply have a very different style.  When you “unlock” this, you’ll see simple things you can do to make it easier to work with them. T.E.A.M. looks at both work and communication styles – how people prefer to communicate and how they prefer to be treated at work. 

If you’d like to find out more, you can visit some blogs I wrote a while ago about each of the styles.  These blogs are written from a leadership perspective, but I think they’ll give you helpful insights even if you’re not in a leadership role.  In addition, in case you’ve missed it, we’re in the middle of beta testing our new reports, so you can take the assessment and get your report for FREE!  (As long as you’re willing to give us some feedback.)  

If you’ve used T.E.A.M. successfully in the workplace, we’d love to hear from you.  Email us at our new address for T.E.A.M. –

If you’d like to use T.E.A.M. with your team, or would like some individual consultation about your T.E.A.M. style, contact our Project Manager, Nicole O’Connor, at