I’ve been continuing to explore my monkey mind.  When I’m under stress, it visits me all day, so I’m well acquainted with it. 🙂  Each time I compete a task, it returns to remind me of the very many things I have to do, how difficult they are and how I’ll NEVER GET IT ALL DONE! (Monkey mind can get quite loud at times!)  I used to play solitaire as a way to still the monkey mind (one of the benefits of working for yourself!).  It does push away the monkey mind… but it’s not a great strategy… I’m not getting any work done while I play solitaire and when I shift back to work, monkey mind quickly returns.

I’ve found the key to success is to bring the monkey mind to Zen mind for some soothing.  A few deep breaths, ideally with eyes closed, or loosely unfocused gazing at the computer screen, visualizing the next task and how I’ll do it in an efficient step by step manner.

One other tool I use is a piece of paper.  Monkey mind is useful in making sure I don’t forget minor but important tasks.  Each time one of those pops, I write it on my paper.  Once a day, I take this list and fold it into my mega to do list (see earlier blog…).  I usually find that everything on my paper is already on the to do list, but it helps still monkey mind to write it down as it pops and every now and then I find something I really did forget about.  It’s a minor distraction and lasts less time than arguing with monkey mind about whether I’ll remember it on my own or not.

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